News Story

Unions, Government Entities Team Up to Keep Information From Citizens

Michigan’s Freedom of Information Act law, like many across the nation, arose in the years following the Watergate scandal in Washington. Since then, almost every president, governor and public official has spoken about the need for transparency, and media outlets and citizens have used the law as an important tool in fighting government secrecy.

But some local union-backed contracts work to hinder FOIA and public openness in Michigan, as sometimes unions and local public entities don’t like taxpayers being able to see how their money is spent. This is a disservice to Michigan news outlets and citizens.

We have seen across the state how local collective bargaining agents have tried to limit the FOIA law.

For example, the local union in Grandville Public Schools in Kent County bargained into its contract a provision that allows employees and the union to "exclude from release all materials that are untimely, inappropriate, or are excluded under state and federal laws."

Wyoming Public Schools, also in Kent County, has nearly identical language: All employees and the union can see the information request and “exclude from the FOIA request response all materials not timely or inappropriate.” The contract also forces the school board and administration to “take the full legal timeline as permitted under the law to comply with the FOIA request.” In Mattawan Consolidated Schools in Van Buren County, the union has also bargained to force the district to wait the maximum time to respond to FOIA requests.

West Michigan districts aren’t alone. In Oakland County, the School District of the City of Royal Oak has in its contract that “the employer shall take the maximum time allowable” to respond to the request so that “the employee and/or Association [has] the opportunity to take whatever legal option is available to bar disclosure of any or all of the requested document(s).”

Some of those provisions are against state law — the Freedom of Information Act does not allow public entities to avoid transparency because material is “untimely” or “inappropriate.” Others are against the intent, if not the letter of the transparency act.

And if the constitutional amendment Proposal 2 had passed, local contracts would have been able to trump state laws and it is likely this would have become the model for unions to follow. By stating that material is of a personal nature or subject to review before release, transparency is cast aside.

Various other units of government have worked to thwart requests for information that may be useful to the public. Heritage News was recently denied a FOIA request by the state for a list of principals deemed “ineffective” on the grounds that the request was for information “of a personal nature.”

The Mackinac Center for Public Policy and Michigan Capitol Confidential have clashed with the Michigan Economic Development Corp. over fiscal reports, two public universities that attempted to hide even mundane information, and the Michigan State Police, which charged $7 million for federal homeland security grant money.

Transparency laws are important. In just the few years we have used FOIA requests to break dozens of major news stories.

  • Exposing the SEIU “dues skim,” where the union teamed up with the administration of former Gov. Jennifer Granholm to take more than $32 million from home-based caregivers — most of whom are taking care of their friends and relatives.
  • The multi-million dollar forced unionization of up to 60,000 day care providers who were put into a union for accepting state money to look after children.
  • The film credit scandal involving the owners of “Hangar 42,” who attempted to lie to state officials about the price of a studio to garner taxpayer money leading to a felony charge.
  • Taxpayers paying millions for school union heads who are paid by districts but do not teach any classes or contribute toward the education of students.
  • The Michigan public school system that fires less than 0.001 percent of all tenured teachers, including those who committed criminal acts.
  • Some teachers caught kissing and assaulting students and using drugs that were bought out with severance packages because they could not be immediately removed.
  • 31 gym teachers in Utica who earn more than the town police chief.
  • An illegal teacher union strike being pushed by the state’s largest school employee union.

Almost all of the egregious examples above were made possible by government unions bargaining bad conditions into their contracts with the help of local officials. Obviously, some unions have a lot to gain if they are able to put into their contract a provision that limits or dissolves transparency requirements.

Going forward, the Legislature should work to strengthen and enhance transparency laws. They should also remember one important lesson: Government employee unions exist for the purpose of their members; not children, and certainly not taxpayers.

Michigan Capitol Confidential is the news source produced by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. Michigan Capitol Confidential reports with a free-market news perspective.

News Story

Failing Schools Able to Mark Themselves Up to a Passing Grade

One-third of statewide school report card deals with paperwork

Every year, newspapers across the state print the report card that the state of Michigan gives its public schools for parents to see how well their children’s schools are doing.

But what the articles don’t tell readers is that many districts with failing marks in student achievement are allowed to give themselves a score of 100 percent for completing a report on how it plans to improve itself. In many cases, that self-reported “A” inflates would-be grades of “F” to a passing grade.

Schools across the state get an automatic “A” for filling out a report on “indicators of school performance.” The report focuses on the school’s plans for self-improvement. The automatic “A” accounts for one-third of the school’s Education YES! state report card grade.

In August, the Lansing State Journal published all the EducationYes grades for the schools in Lansing Public Schools.

The newspaper article cites Sheridan Road School with a grade of “C.” However, Sheridan Road School had an “F” in Reading and an “F” in Mathematics in its only grades on student achievement. But with the help of the automatic “A,” the school ended up with a “C.”

Newspapers across the state publish the report cards with the inflated grades. MLive listed the grades of hundreds of schools.

In the Grand Rapids School District, Congress Elementary was given a “C.” It got that passing grade despite getting “F”s in Reading and Mathematics — the only two areas of student achievement that were measured.

"Who is helped by this?” said Michael Van Beek, director of education policy at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy.

Van Beek said the system only helps districts that are failing in student achievement hide their grades.

"Parents aren’t helped by this because they don’t get an accurate assessment of how their school is performing,” Van Beek said.

Although plans for self-improvement are important, they should not carry nearly the same weight as student achievement when it comes to determining a report card grade, Van Beek said.

Two years ago, Michigan Capitol Confidential reported on a similar problem. At the time, a Michigan Department of Education spokesman said the automatic 100 percent grade was only for one year and that a new system would change it.

The MDE spokespeople didn’t return requests for comment on why a new system hasn't been implemented. The superintendents in the Lansing and Grand Rapids schools didn’t return emails seeking comment.

Michigan Capitol Confidential is the news source produced by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. Michigan Capitol Confidential reports with a free-market news perspective.