District Considering Year-Round Schooling
Lake Orion Community School District is convening a task force to look into whether it should go to a year-round calendar, which would make it the first in the state to make such a move.
In a letter dated May 13, Superintendent Marion Ginopolis told parents about the task force, which would study the disadvantages and advantages of a year-round calendar.
“We are just going to study it,” Ginopolis said Tuesday. “Nothing is carved in stone. Learning should not be driven by the calendar.”
Carpenter Elementary School in Lake Orion Community School District is on a full-year model. Carpenter Elementary has the same number of school days as the other buildings. But the typical three-month summer break is shortened to five weeks, and other breaks are distributed throughout the school year.
Michigan Capitol Confidential is the news source produced by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. Michigan Capitol Confidential reports with a free-market news perspective.