News Story

Traditional Values Group Splits its Gov Endorsement

Citizens for Traditional Values has endorsed three gubernatorial candidates - Mike Cox, Mike Bouchard and Peter Hoekstra. All three are Republicans. Cox is the state's Attorney General, Bouchard is the sheriff of Oakland County and Hoekstra is a U.S. Congressman.

James Muffett, president of CTV, said the decision was unanimous and made by CTV's board members.

Citizens for Traditional Values is a nonprofit organization out of Lansing. It works across the state to get grassroots activists to support traditional and family values.

"All three of these men would serve the citizens of Michigan well in the preservation of traditional pro-life and pro-family value," Muffett said in a press release. "Their experience combined with commitment to service, limited government, defense of life and preservation of the traditional family gives us great confidence in recommending them to voters."

Snyder and Democratic candidates Virg Bernero and Andy Dillon didn't respond to CTV, according to the press release.



Michigan Capitol Confidential is the news source produced by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. Michigan Capitol Confidential reports with a free-market news perspective.