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Radio for the 'Starbucks Generation'

At 14, Elliot Gaiser says he was reading the Wall Street Journal.

Six years later, Gaiser is trying to offer balance to a generation he says doesn't hear the conservative viewpoint.

Gaiser, 20, is a sophomore at Hillsdale College who launched the Conservative Private Radio Network. He posts his podcasts on his website:

Gaiser is part of what he calls the "Starbucks generation" — the 18-24 age group that he says is likely to vote for Barack Obama.

Fearing there was no conservative voice for that group in the media, Gaiser started his own. Conservative Private Radio Network has landed him interviews with some national political figures. He's interviewed Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell and Marc Thiessen, former speechwriter for President George W. Bush and author of the book "Courting Disaster."

As a child, Gaiser was homeschooled while living in Cleveland. Whenever he could, he listened to the radio and became a fan of Rush Limbaugh. Last December, he read a book about Ronald Reagan and discovered Reagan did three-minute radio commentaries, and modeled his own site after that model.

"I figured, 'If Ronald Reagan can do this, I might take a shot at it,'" Gaiser said. "I want to be engaged in the war of ideas going on across in America."

Gaiser learned the radio business by working at WCSR Hillsdale, 92.1 FM and 1340 AM.

Michigan Capitol Confidential is the news source produced by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. Michigan Capitol Confidential reports with a free-market news perspective.