GOP-Dominated Senate To SEIU: 'Here's $4 Million'
Michigan's Republican-controlled Senate is reaching a milestone.
As of Feb. 24, the Senate — by its inaction to pass a bill that would end the “Home Health Care Dues Skim” — will have enriched union coffers by $4 million.
This “skim” resulted from a union scheme perpetrated while Jennifer Granholm was governor. The plan used a dummy employer and a stealth election to railroad 43,000 so-called home health care workers into the Service Employees International Union. That 43,000 has now swollen to 56,442.
Once this forced unionization was achieved, money started being extracted from the taxpayer-provided checks received by the so-called home health care workers. This money continues to be sent to SEIU as dues. Overall, the “skim” has netted more than $28 million for the SEIU.
Last June, the House passed legislation (House Bill 4003) that would outlaw the “skim.” But so far the Senate has refused to pass the measure.
Meanwhile, every dollar the union receives from the “skim” can be used for political purposes. These could include everything from bolstering the re-election campaign of President Barack Obama to helping the Democrats try to recapture the Michigan House.
See also:
Further Down the Rabbit Hole: Forced Unionization 'Dues Skim' Linked To West Coast Scandal
Roots of SEIU Forced Unionization 'Money Skim' Lead to Former ACORN Organizer
'Forced Unionization' Employer Out of the Picture, But Dues Keep Flowing To SEIU
SEIU Sent Key GOP Senator $5K on Day Bill to End 'Forced Unionization' Arrived in Senate
Home Health Care 'Dues Skim' Worse Than Previously Thought
Video: The Granholm-AFSCME Partnership
Video: The SEIU in Michigan - Home Health Aides
Video: Are You My Employer?
Video: Day Care in Wonderland
Video: Is the MHBCCC Defunded?
Video: Sherry and Dawn's Story
The Saga of Forced Unionization
10 Stories Showing Why Mandatory Government Collective Bargaining Is Counterproductive
'Forced Unionization' Brings In $28 Million For SEIU ... And Climbing
Parents Forced to Pay Union Dues, Lawmaker Rakes In Healthcare Money
Forced Unionization Scheme Still Collecting Cash – Lawmakers Mystified
Michigan Capitol Confidential is the news source produced by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. Michigan Capitol Confidential reports with a free-market news perspective.
There’s something wrong with Union Township: Part 3